We can supply event merchandise for just about any event you’re planning. Whether it’s a conference, an expo, a sporting or music event, a prestigious awards ceremony or a fundraiser, we’ve got you covered. You might be exhibiting at a B2B or B2C event, or organising an event of your own. One of the key things in your marketing arsenal is your branded merchandise - and that’s where we come in.
Using promo goods at your Event
Using promotional merchandise is hands down the best way to raise your profile and increase engagement at your event. Provide a free goody bag or lanyard for registered attendees, run a competition to win a branded high profile tech item, hand out free promotional samples… the options are endless!
Dress your event the right way
As well as giveaways and promotional freebies, we can help make sure that your event is decorated with your brand in all the right ways. Whatever your event, stand displays and POS are a great way to make a huge impact. We’ve got all manner of customisable banners, flags, balloons, table cloths, marquees and gazebos - all can be printed with your logo and company details.
Check out the range and see what fits best with your event. Don’t forget - we’re always happy to give advice on what works best for certain types of event as well. Just get in touch and our experts can suggest products and branding options to suit your brand or event.
Enquire about these products
Ask our trained Merchandise Consultants and they'll help you choose the perfect products for your campaign.